Verifiably more accurate with our Gemini production engine (99.9% to be exact), customizable branding, integrated financing, and simple docs signing. All delivered in as little as 8 minutes.
Solo’s DXF solution integrates directly with any CAD program, enabling solar companies to create design efficiencies and reduce project timelines.
SunPixel’s™ patent-pending technology combines Solo’s custom algorithms and proprietary imagery to render an unmatched 3D model of your customer’s home. Then, our Treescape™ technology, enables us to run the industry’s most meticulous sun path simulations.
Nearly all of our features are tied to controls that can be enabled or disabled by assigning roles. Think of giving a manager pricing adjustment power but not the rep.
Customize your PitchDeck™ to include pages tailored to your customer’s needs and eliminate irrelevant pages to streamline your presentation and focus on what matters most.
No more need to wait for revision requests. Customize and edit your design in real time, right in front of your customer, in a few seconds.
Learn MoreMake edits and changes to your finance options, modules, inverters, batteries, proposal themes, adders, preferences, and company pricing. Take complete control of your company’s options all via the MissionControl portal.
Financing Options
Proposal Themes
Discover how top-tier solar firms harness Solo to outpace competitors and cut essential expenses. We’re ready to chat when you are.
We manage the overhead of scaling up and down overhead costs that typically come with large in-house proposal teams. A model that removes one complication.
Our team ensures your design not only meets but exceeds standard expectations.
You’ll be surrounded by our squadron of Solo experts, always ready to help.
You control what features reps can edit and customize and ultimatley how you sell.
Verifiably more accurate with SunPixel™ technology (97% to be exact)
Customer demand is shifting from now to “right this second.” When it comes to speed, nobody delivers a faster sales-ready proposal than Solo.
With over 50 partners and counting, our integration network is the largest of any of our competitors. Being able to organize everything in one place means less errors and less operational headaches.
View our integrations